Friday, May 4, 2012

if I had been a horse they would have shot me. Must be the KDerby and finally the Kentucky Steve and Trish story

So this could also be called "people you meet on the Road dos." This is the story of Kentucky Steve and Trish. It's a long overdue story of a couple of peeps from Kentucky. I first met Steve up at the Ylang Ylang resort. The super funky place a walk up the beach. Steve was holding court at the back garden bar. Now court may be a bit of a stretch as there are only four chairs at the bar and only two of them were filled but Steve was definitely holding court. The man can work a room better than most. I listened to him talking to the people at the bar and he didn't and doesn't talk shit. We got to talking or rather he pulled me into the conversation and I had just finished the usual sunset smokey walk up the beach so I was good for a babble for a bit. We were joined by his wife Trish who could easily hold her own with KSteve. Trish is a senior partner in a firm in Lexington and a funny shit on her own.
At their insistence I joined them for dinner, the first of a week's worth of dinners they had me join them. I have to admit that first dinner had me wondering if they were a couple of swingers with a penchant for old pirates but it was simply two wonderful, gracious people who liked to have a very good time. They have a thoroughbred way station farm for high end racers coming to town for that track that has a race for flowers and horses that are in transit from coast to coast. Steve was also involved with a couple of other enterprises all of which afforded a life grounded in hard work and the opportunity to play hard on the beach, the jungle, wherever. Steve had done the amazon the real way and looking at him you would not think that this was a guy who understood the secrets in the Amazonian bush but he does. Of course all this travel and exotica just armed him with some of the funniest stories and serious reflections on life outside the box.
I would go up to the little waterfalls on the way to Playa Grande and Steve would roll out of his  suite by the beach, jump in the water and then go lie on the warm sand, no blanket, and just lay there in the sun a basic sun loving dude. He'd look like the beach I was he walked down to jump in the water covered in sand and smile.
This boy could catch a buzz. We had long discussions about earnest work in your own environment and great play out in the rest of the world, balancing the yin and the yang.
I really got to enjoy their company and the brief time passed fast. We started to do the dance of, "let's keep in touch and do this again", but it was no backhand see you later and never hear from peeps again. Not Kentucky Steve and Trish. He asked me if I still had a suit somewhere and would I come to Louisville for The Derby Weekend and be their guest at all the VIP parties and the inside track for the famous Run for the Roses. It was a serious offer and I was seriously going to do it. Shit folks I can cultivate a taste for mint juleps! Alcohol, racehorses, 100,000 people and bound to be women in hats there right?
Well I would be there now hanging with Trish and Kentucky Steve in their world and watching him work an event. The scorpion got in the way and I can't fly until the middle of June and recovery is dictated by others and as much as I push the envelope the travel part of it is a benchmark and that can't happen until weeks after everyone is starting to get all excited about a possible triple crown winner.
This is also a mea culpa to Kentucky Steve and Trish for not getting back to you and I can't claim the scorpion took your email, I just lost a bunch of cards in the seat pocket of the escape flight from Panama.
If you stay on the road or if you find a cool spot along the road, you will be open to meeting some very interesting people and Kentucky Steve and Trish were two of 'em. Gracias amigos. Solo estoy diciendo. TmYo...

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