Monday, August 13, 2012

Making another list...

  • Hip dislocations, another hip and the seven week syndrome...
  • Summer 2012... 
  • Back on the Path...
  • Panama and India...
  • What the future holds...
I'll get to it soon, TmyO...


  • When spellcheck checks my name it offers these as viable substitutes:
  1. Foolhardy
  2. Offloaded
  3. Ovulate
  4. Afloat
  5. Overheat
  • Why is it that every Orthopedic Department is always at the very end of a long hall? This in the land of shitty hips, knees and ankles.
  • We were talking about assisted suicide and my boi AJ says, "don't worry my friend when the time comes we got you covered." I asked him if he would really do that? "Fuck that I'll be at breakfast. My brother Joe will do it. Solo estoy diciendo" he said. Nice.
  • is there ever a shitty sunset if you see it?
  • If I wasn't here, where would I be?
  • when I take monastic vows two of them are to not take intoxicants of any kind and the vow of celibacy. Shit it's two of my favorite things.
  • why is it that I would text and drive but wouldn't text while walking because I thought it was too dangerous? just sayin, TmyO...