I come from a line of daydreamers. My father told the story of why he left the Catholic Church when he was in high school like the 9th grade, not paying attention to the lesson looking out the window and just “daydreaming” and the nun had a yard stick, whacked him with it twice on the hands and head. He hit her a shot and walked out of school and never went back.
I was maybe 12 years old when he told me the story in the context of a moral story about how hitting is never the solution to a problem {unless it’s a crazy nun with a stick} it was the first time I thought about the concept of dreaming while your still awake. How cool is that? You just sort of gaze out there and let the mind run with it. I couldn’t get my 12 yo brain arms around it so I just did it. Four years later I began to give it some philosophical thought time and since it was the end of the Beats and the start of the 60’s, daydreaming took on new scope and sometimes our mind would run all the way with it.
I’m doing it again now that I’m in the last quarter of my life cause there is much more time estar en las nubes. The mind doesn’t run with it anymore as it just sort of wanders. You have time as you are running out of time and the most pressing things are basic survival skills and the beach. To dream during the day like little brain naps now and then. Think about it. { or don’t, let me do it for you and you just wander and wonder} it’s not like you are unconscious in the dark where you might dream or not. You probably can’t remember most of them and you can never, never, get right back to it and pick up where you left off. There is no On Demand in your brain at night and that’s OK with me as I’d rather do it during the day when you are right in the middle of the shit. Sitting on the beach at Red Frog with binoculars in my hand not looking through them, just looking off. Daydreaming about when I remembered my first beach. When was it? Where was it? Just wandering and wondering. Now I know what my da mean’t and have given some non daydreaming time to it. We know the mind’s edge can get duller as we age but the daydreaming time still stays sharp I think. I mean how many old people do you see that just seem to daydream with a smile?
I try to write in the morning while it’s still cool, the end of the noisy monkey night {why do you think they call them Howlers?} and there seems to be more time available before the sun demands following at the beach. Estar en las nube, to daydream. This took 2 1/2 hours to compose and I counted four wanders. Nice way to spend some time. just sayin, TMyo...